Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalm 139:7-9

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Blessings from above

I've been mindful this Sunday of the blessings that God has bestowed on me. He is starting to provide for this next phase of our ministry, and has been healing and growing and preparing me for what is to come. The biggest hurdle that Daniel, Sarah and I were facing as we prepare for going to Mozambique was finding someone to handle receiving support money for Sarah and Daniel while we are overseas. This is so important for a missionary... it's virtually impossible to leave the country if you don't have someone back home to manage that for you.(Just a little side note to say THANK YOU! to Central Community Church for being so gracious and doing all of that for me. What a huge blessing you are!) And just last night Sarah and Daniel got the email they had been waiting for from an organization who's sole purpose is to bless missionaries by handling finances, letting them know that all is ready for them to start raising funds for our Mozambique trip! Yay! Now the preparation really starts! This is probably the most exciting (and faith growing) time for me as I wait on God to provide what I need for heading back to the mission field. It always comes... not always as fast as I would have chosen had it been up to me, but always in God's perfect time.

It's crazy how close this next trip is coming up already. I've only been back in the USA for about 6 weeks and now we're getting ready to leave in that same amount of time. The highlights of my time in the US so far? Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas baking, family and friends, some good quality time with my sewing machine, and sleeping in the same bed for more than a couple of weeks. I absolutely love my time out on the field, but it has been good to be home.

Monday, January 3, 2011

A few of my random, jumbled thoughts...

Whenever I talk to people about my dreams to go to Africa and my unique position of being open and available for just about anything that God could bring my way, the response is very often, "What an exciting time in your life!" And it really is exciting to think that any time now, God will open that door and all of this training and preparation will finally be put to use for whatever it is that God has planned for me to do. More often though, I feel intimidated by the unknown. It's scary not knowing what the future will hold... something that probably every person on earth can relate to at least at some point in their life. I like having a plan. I like knowing what the next step is going to be. It's not easy to be content while I wait. I'll admit that I'm often discontent and I often have to repent and ask God to increase my faith. Why am I not more content when I know that God's plan has always been best in the past? Why haven't I learned that I can trust that He's got a reason for putting me in this place that I'm at now? Perhaps one day I will be the christian that I wish I was now... one that is content and at peace while waiting on God's perfect will. Until then, I suppose it's something to keep my on my knees.